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Josefina received the 2023 Crop Science & the Nelson Award Graduate Student Scholarship

Josefina Lacasa, doctoral student in agronomy and a member of the Ignacio Ciampitti Lab, was recognized at the International American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri.

The Crop Science Society of America annually recognizes a meritorious graduate student with the Crop Science Graduate Student Scholarship, considering the student’s both academic and leadership achievements.

The American Society of Agronomy annually recognizes five students, encouraging them to pursue a career in studying yield limiting factors in agronomy, with the Nelson Award for Yield-Limiting Factors Graduate Student Scholarship. This scholarship focuses on leadership accomplishments, as well as long-term personal goals for improving diagnostic techniques and solutions to yield-limiting factors in agronomy through research and development.

Josefina earned both scholarships this year as a product of her PhD work, which she defended in late October. “I am truly honored, especially knowing that many scientists I admire have earned these scholarships as well during their graduate programs".


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