Priscila Cano
Post Doctoral Researcher |

Post Doctoral Researcher |
Sustainable Intensification
Digital Agriculture
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Agronomy at K-State University. My mission is to contribute to improving the sustainable intensification of agricultural systems. This requires an integrated assessment that considers the impact of different factors (climate, policy, markets, technology) on the different dimensions of sustainable development (economic, environmental, social, institutional). When addressing agricultural systems, it is crucial to consider impacts from the crop level to the global level. I use quantitative and qualitative methods, including statistical analysis, crop modeling, surveys, interviews, and participatory approaches. Also, use digital agriculture technologies. By describing and explaining current systems, it is possible to explore and design future systems.
In 2017 I earned my BS degree in Agronomy from the University of Northwest in the province of Buenos Aires. Then in 2020, I earned my Specialization in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems at the University of Buenos Aires. Finally, 2023 I earned my PhD in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires.
Federico Gomez

Post Doctoral Researcher |
Crop Modeling
I am a post-doctoral researcher in Ciampitti Lab at Kansas State University. Currently, I am working on crop modeling and data analysis in different projects.
I graduated in Agronomy at the University of Buenos Aires in 2016 and started my Ph.D. in agricultural sciences. My thesis focused on determining yield and grain protein gaps in malting barley, analyzing nitrogen and sulfur partitioning and remobilization to grains, and evaluating grain nitrogen and sulfur concentration as a determinant of malting quality.
In addition, I was a teaching assistant in an undergraduate course related to soil fertility and crop fertilization.
German Mandrini
Post Doctoral Researcher |
Digital Ag
I am a postdoctoral researcher in agronomy and data science at Purdue University, working at the intersection of agronomy, economics, and data science. Growing up on a family farm shaped my career and fueled my passion for agriculture. I hold a B.S. in Agronomy, an M.S. in Agricultural Economics, and a Ph.D. in Crop Sciences. My background uniquely combines academic experience with industry experience across the farming sector, including grain trading, farm management, corn breeding, and digital agriculture, providing a comprehensive perspective of the agricultural business.
My work focuses on developing advanced data analytics tools to optimize farm decisions and project future scenarios that enhance profitability and sustainability. By leveraging crop modeling, big data, machine learning, and advanced statistical techniques, I address complex challenges in crop production, climate risk management, and sustainability. My key areas of interest include precision agriculture, carbon sequestration, nitrogen management, and creating decision-support tools for stakeholders across the food supply chain.