Leonardo Lemes Bosche
Ph.D. Student |
Crop Physiology
I grew up in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil, where I earned my Agronomy BS degree at the State University of Maringá. I have worked with crop research since 2015. My first experience abroad was in the United States of America as a Visiting Scholar at Kansas State University in 2018, when I had the opportunity to work and learn with Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti’s group. I have experience in cropping systems, plant breeding, and seed technology and production.

I am Natalia, I was born and raised in Arapongas, a city in the state of Paraná, Brazil. My passion for agronomy began early, influenced by my family's involvement in the field. This early exposure guided me on a clear career path. I pursued and successfully obtained my Bachelor of Science degree in Agronomy from the State University of Maringa (UEM). After graduation, I embraced a significant challenge by moving to another country to advance my professional growth. From 2022 to 2023, I explored a study of fatty acids analysis for crops like corn, soybean, canola, and sorghum at Ciampitti Lab. In 2024, I took on a new and exciting challenge by enrolling in a master's program at Kansas State University, where I am currently actively engaged. My research focuses on integrating on-farm data, exploring mung bean crops as a new alternative for Kansas farmers. I aim to develop crop models that enhance Digital Agriculture decisions, specifically regarding the suitability of this crop across the state.

Ph.D. Student |
Crop Physiology
Natalia Volpato

Gustavo Nocera
Ph.D. Student |
Digital Ag
Gustavo Santiago is a PhD student at Purdue University under Dr. Ciampitti. He is a Biosystems Engineer by Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and obtained his Master's in Agronomy at Kansas State University also under Dr. Ciampitti. His research focuses on Digital Agronomy, with the development of web and mobile applications, usage and development of sensors, computer vision and artificial intelligence.
I am from Young, Rio Negro, Uruguay. I have been involved in agriculture from a young age on my family’s farm, and because of that, I discovered my passion for field crops. I obtained my B.S. in Agronomy from the Universidad de la República, Uruguay. In my undergraduate thesis, I studied the influence of summer soil management on wheat productivity and nitrogen response in Uruguay.In 2022, I started my master’s degree at K-State, focusing on soybean management and on-farm data analysis.

Ph.D. Candidate |
Crop Physiology
Emmanuela van Versendaal
Luiz Felipe Antunes de Almeida
Ph.D. Student |
Crop Physiology

I was born and raised in Maringá, a city in the state of Paraná, Brazil. I obtained my Bachelor of Science degree from the State University of Maringá. During my undergraduate studies, I had an enriching experience working as a research scholar at Embrapa Soybean in Brazil for a year. After completing my BS degree, I embarked on a new journey as a research scholar at Kansas State University in February 2020. In 2022, I seized another opportunity to advance my education and started a Master's program, which I am currently actively involved in. My research focuses on studying soybean N fixation across various environments in the United States, and also the crop's nutritional status, seed yield, and seed quality, aiming to deepen our understanding of these important factors.