I am from Young, Rio Negro, Uruguay. I have been involved in agriculture from a young age on my family’s farm, and because of that, I discovered my passion for field crops. I obtained my B.S. in Agronomy from the Universidad de la República, Uruguay. In my undergraduate thesis, I studied the influence of summer soil management on wheat productivity and nitrogen response in Uruguay.In 2022, I started my master’s degree at K-State, focusing on soybean management and on-farm data analysis.
Ph.D. Candidate |
Crop Physiology
Emmanuela van Versendaal
Luiz Felipe Antunes de Almeida
Ph.D. Student |
Crop Physiology
I was born and raised in Maringá, a city in the state of Paraná, Brazil. I obtained my Bachelor of Science degree from the State University of Maringá. During my undergraduate studies, I had an enriching experience working as a research scholar at Embrapa Soybean in Brazil for a year. After completing my BS degree, I embarked on a new journey as a research scholar at Kansas State University in February 2020. In 2022, I seized another opportunity to advance my education and started a Master's program, which I am currently actively involved in. My research focuses on studying soybean N fixation across various environments in the United States, and also the crop's nutritional status, seed yield, and seed quality, aiming to deepen our understanding of these important factors.